August 2021 – Release of Version 0.8

The waiting has an end! Version 0.8 was just released. It took the developers over a half year to develop this version, and we are very proud of it. Have fun!
Significant Changes:
- Passengers have arrived to Libre TrainSim! There exist
- Track Wolfsfurt to Buchenhain got expanded to Hainfurt.
- Libre TrainSim goes mobile! Android version with mobile interface is now available
- Multi Language Support. For contributing languages, see:
- Camera Shaking in Cabin View
- Track Files got much smaller.
- Loading time was improved a lot
- Implemented jTools: self written toolset, which makes code cleaner and functionality more stable
- Soundsystem got rewritten. Much more cleaner and mor modular
- Added 32 bit Version for Linux
- Libre TrainSim is now accessible for smaller Displays
- Trains have now a engine function. Before releasing brakes you have to press e to turn on the engines.
- Sounds are now played when train drives over switches and curves
- Rails now have a overheadline
- Rails can now easily have other types
- Modular Signal System is now possible
- Rails have now optional automatic tendency
What comes next?
That’s a good question.. We are waiting first for feedback of 0.8, and then decide, what to develop further on. Some ideas are an ingame editor, more content, key layout settings, jumping between stations, heightmap editing, …. You can follow the newest progress here:
In the meanwhile we will update our Editor Documentation for the new version.
Your Feedback is very important!
Only if we know, what you like, and dislike, we can make Libre-TrainSim a better game. So it would be great to fill in our newest feedback form:
April 2021
Hello all!
Now it is early spring and last weeks the development of Libre TrainSim made some big milestones for version 0.8! The functionality is almost finished, we just need some small adjustments.
- The editor got updated and revamped at some points. Bedide the Editor a new toolset was created: jTools. The first features are already integrated to Libre TrainSim, which we will expand in the future. jTools makes coding, saving, etc. a lot easier and cleaner.
- We now have a pathfinding algorithm which could be useful in the future. For now it is only used to load and unload some chunks in the editor. That’s great for editing bigger maps, because from now the editor doesn’t need the whole map loaded anymore.
- Also we have got more sounds at our tracks! There are now station announcements possible.
- In the past we got some issues with Libre TrainSim and small screens. For that our Main Menu got revamped, and some other HUD elements where rearranged. Screens from 800 x 600 pixels shouldn’t have any problems anymore.
- Also there are now persons in Libre TrainSim! For now they are just red big blobs, but some person models will be added for the new version.
- Let’s come to the star of this news: The next Libre TrainSim version will also be available to Android Smartphones! For that we adjusted many HUD elements, and added an ingame HUD for Smartphones (Touch Displays). For now it does work okay, and it makes really fun playing all tracks at the smartphone. For the Android Version Libre TrainSim is more arcade like and doesn’t support the advanced mode.
So in conclusion the technical framework for the new version is complete. In the next weeks we will update our content with the features and will build a new (highspeed) track. Also Wolfsfurt Buchenhain will get an expansion.
If you are interested in track building, look here. Then if everything goes well, your track will get into the next version!
See you in the next months, or at our discord.

January 2021
Greetings all!
The development of Libre TrainSim goes further on..
Many features for the version 0.8 are already finished:
- Multilingual Support! For now Japanese, German, and Italian where added. You want to translate Libre TrainSim in your native language? Just click here.
- Track files got a lot smaller. Because for example in a forest the transform of every single tree where saved, the file size got over 100 MB. Now the forests (Rail Attachements) only save a seed, with wich the exact tree transformations can be reproduced. Also the Editor now supports unloading all objects. So the .tscn file gets very small, because there arent many objects anymore. So the loading time of the tracks got shorter too.
- The Editor got automatic tendency for rails. So if you activated this, the curves will be tended automaticly. That saves time and makes tracks more realistic
- There can be now different trains in a scene. So now it is technically possible, that a freight train drives next to your person train.
- Also in 0.8 custom rail- and signaltypes are supportet. The rail type can be changed per rail.
- Now Overheadlines could be generated. The rail searches automaticly for a Rail Attachement called “Poles” and takes these positions for their overheadlines. So that handly is very easy. All existing tracks don’t need any rework.
- The Soundsystem of Libre TrainSim got redeveloped. Sounds at curves, switches, and while breaking where added. Also every wagon now has its own sound. And some sounds itself where recreated.
- Trains now have a power switch. So after setting the pantograph up with ‘b’, you have to start the engines with ‘e’ before releasing the brakes
- Also the camera got new Views. You can now seat in the passenger area. Thanks to Comick.
Currently we are working at the person system. Persons will be waiting at the platform, find the doors, of the train, and find a seat inside where to sit down. Also they will move out at another station.
Also following features are planned vor 0.8:
- Mobile Version for Libre TrainSim (Android)
- Soundsystem for Stations. Then “Next Station…” or “Welcome To …” Messages will be played automaticly.
- The Main Menu will get rearragned. Then Libre TrainSim will be available to smaller screen resolutions
- Some andvaced editor features for editing really big tracks.
A new highspeed track with new highspeed train is planned.
Also Wolfsfurt Buchenhain will get an expansion.
We got a new website design. Now the homepage looks modern and more appealing. Check it out here.
We get very much done for the new version. But I think the next version will be released soonest at late spring/early summer.
Also we search for some content creators! Look here for the possibilities.
Greetings, Jean

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