Libre TrainSim is an open source project creating a completly new, fully free train simulator written in Godot Engine, released under GPLv3.
That’s Libre-TrainSim
Free – For everyone
Libre TrainSim is created by volunteers. The project is hosted on GitHub.

Play on Linux, Windows, Mac, Android
It doesn’t matter which operating system you are using. Libre Train Sim works on Linux, Windows, Mac, and Android. Please note, the Android version has fewer features and lower-scaled graphics.

Easy Start
Small tutorials teach all the important topics to drive trains. If you don’t want to drive at all, there is even an autopilot.
If you are into the challenge, you can disable the easy mode enabling more complicated train systems.

Create Additional Content
You want to create a new track or train? There is a wiki and a YouTube-Playlist that teaches how to start. Click here for more Information.