The waiting has an end! Version 0.8 was just released. It took the developers over a half year to develop this version, and we are very proud of it. Have fun!
Significant Changes:
- Passengers have arrived to Libre TrainSim! There exist
- Track Wolfsfurt to Buchenhain got expanded to Hainfurt.
- Libre TrainSim goes mobile! Android version with mobile interface is now available
- Multi Language Support. For contributing languages, see: https://github.com/Jean28518/Libre-TrainSim/wiki/Translating-Libre-TrainSim
- Camera Shaking in Cabin View
- Track Files got much smaller.
- Loading time was improved a lot
- Implemented jTools: self written toolset, which makes code cleaner and functionality more stable
- Soundsystem got rewritten. Much more cleaner and mor modular
- Added 32 bit Version for Linux
- Libre TrainSim is now accessible for smaller Displays
- Trains have now a engine function. Before releasing brakes you have to press e to turn on the engines.
- Sounds are now played when train drives over switches and curves
- Rails now have a overheadline
- Rails can now easily have other types
- Modular Signal System is now possible
- Rails have now optional automatic tendency
What comes next?
That’s a good question.. We are waiting first for feedback of 0.8, and then decide, what to develop further on. Some ideas are an ingame editor, more content, key layout settings, jumping between stations, heightmap editing, …. You can follow the newest progress here: https://github.com/Jean28518/Libre-TrainSim/projects/5
In the meanwhile we will update our Editor Documentation for the new version.
Your Feedback is very important!
Only if we know, what you like, and dislike, we can make Libre-TrainSim a better game. So it would be great to fill in our newest feedback form: https://libre-trainsim.de/feedback